Creative Cakes Kids Directory
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Reach For A Dream
Reach For A Dream endeavors to help children with life threatening illnesses and their families to believe in the power of dreams, to know that tomorrow is worth fighting for and that smiles and fun can still be apart of their lives today.
Telephone : + 27 011 781 0133
Fax: +27 11 781 0136 |
Kids News
Parenting & Family Entertainment. Email to join our mailing list and request your free parenting ebook. Visit and see all we have to offer, including:
- Scrumptious Family recipes
- Support groups for Special Needs
- Info for Educational support
- Calendar of Events
- Listing of Extra Murals
Kids News also has an extensive list of Party Venues & Party Services.
For more information you can also call Jill on 011 476 9218 or 083 230 8974.